Fred Ignatoski

Fred Ignatoski

Fred has been an entrepreneurial spirited businessman most of his life where God is always his boss. He walks in the glory of God and frequently under an open heaven, where his prophetic writings and revelation of the Spirit of God come alive. Fred states, “I am committed to setting my mind on the things above and accessing the supernatural power of God, always seeking more of His presence from the throne room of the Father.” One of his favorite bible verses is, John 4:34 "My food," said Jesus, "is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.

He shares his life and ministry with his wife Sue. They have five children Leo with wife Erin, Jacob, Brittany with husband Borys, Chris with husband Keith and Liz with husband Keagan. They also have 11 beautiful grandchildren.

Fred has a strong call on his life. He is an ordained minister of the gospel and is also ordained as an Apostle according to Ephesians 4:11. A few of his church, ministry and leadership roles of involvement have been, Iron Sharpens Iron Men’s Ministry, Inner Change, Director of Healing Rooms of Grandville, Small Group Study Leader as well as various other leadership roles. As a Prophet, Fred is blessed to have angelic encounters, timely words of knowledge as well as the seer gift (Ezekiel 1:1). He has been seen ministering prophetically to other prophets that have come into the region thus he is known by some as the Prophet to the Prophets. Fred is also currently serving on the board of directors for Faith Christian Fellowship International and is also the Michigan Agent for them.

His appealing teaching style comes with truth straight from the bible as well as a fresh revelation from the Father and witty sense of humor. His winning attitude becomes most apparent when he is ministering to one of God's children. Fred calls it the attitude of faith. He uses memorable testimonies of the work that God is doing through him. These testimonies are authentic and inspiring for the people that hear them and as Fred says, sharing a testimony is like God saying do it again!!!  Fred acquired the nickname Testimony Fred several years ago. Stay tuned for an upcoming podcast. One of our goals is to expose the works of the Lord and shout them from the mountaintops.

"Our mandate," says Fred, "is to help people get healed, delivered and set free so they can go from where they are to walking in the destiny that God has for them and finish well."

Sue Ignatoski

Sue Ignatoski

Sue is the loving wife of Fred. Sue is a caring and beautiful women of God both inside and out. In years past, she has given her time and talents to teaching children the power of prayer in a practical way that has made it come alive for them. Parents have said to her, "my child prays differently after having you as a teacher". She has also hosted adult groups to explore prayer in a more meaningful way.

Sue's voice is truly a gift from God that has been blessing others in both choirs and contemporary worship bands. She has a deep love of worshiping God with expressive dance and worship flags. She, along with Fred, have been directors of The Healing Rooms of Grandville where many people have had a profound touch with God. Her teaching talents continue in various categories like Healing, Dream Interpretation, Prophetic and other topics as the Lord gives her insight and revelation from His word. Her artistic flare shines through when she's teaching on something like Habakkuk 2:2 (Write the vision and make it plain, on tablets, That he may run who reads it.) where she brings the practical application to it and instructs her students on creating a vision board which becomes a powerful tool for the user.

Sue's love of the word of God is real and her relationship with Him is personal. She is a wonderful storyteller as she relates real-life experiences and what God has done with, in and around her.

Sue is very happy to collaborate with God in what He is doing at this time in our world.